Listed Schools
Our main business is acquiring language schools for retained clients. In effect this means finding schools for clients that are not currently being offered for sale. We do however additionally offer a listing service for school sellers not concerned with confidentiality, please contact us should you wish to know more about this service.
This centre provides a quality English programme to children aged from 2.5 years to 15 years. Eighty-one children attend once weekly. Established in 2007 we have a solid client base that continues to grow.
The centre is located north of Munich, close to transport.
Yearly Earnings: 86,000 – 91,000 Euros on average. Figures available for review. Overheads minimal.
‘Fun English’ Language Centre has built a strong reputation throughout local regions.
Your business investment will bring rewards.
Asking Price: 50,000 Euros, or best offer
Featured School
Language Centre - Munich, Germany
For more information contact: Suzanne Burca-Schoene: +49 176 344 07 111