How ELT Acquisitions can help you buy or sell an EFL school
You can make use of our expertise
It is likely that we have had more experience of buying and selling language schools than you have had. We know the system. We know how to avoid common pitfalls, how to overcome problems, and how to negotiate the best possible terms.
You can save time
We will do the research for you. We will arrange introductions, viewings, and meetings, and we will negotiate on your behalf.
You can benefit financially
Quality schools are in demand but unwary owners can be prey to the large chains, unscrupulous property developers, and time wasters. We can match school owners with genuine buyers who are prepared to pay the right price for the right school.
You can act in complete confidence and anonymously
You may not want your competitors or, more importantly, your staff and agents to know you are exploring possibilities. We will maintain your confidentiality as long as you wish us to.